his Spiritual master

Srila Prabhupada about Dr. T.D.Singh

Srila Prabhupada’s Affectionate Remarks About
Sripada Maharaja

The spiritual master is always concerned about the wellbeing of the disciples. The affection and care of the spiritual master for his disciple are clearly visible in the relationship between Srila Prabhupada and Sripada Maharaja. Srila Prabhupada’s remarks about Sripada Maharaja made during the period from 1970 to 1977 collected from conversation volume and other volumes are a garland of blessings and confidence of the spiritual master to his disciple. Some selected remarks are listed here and we, the disciples of Sripada Maharaja feel very fortunate to have these wonderful remarks.

“If one has got unflinching faith in Krishna and His
representative, guru, then all the knowledge
will be revealed to him automatically.
Just like yourself. You are a big scientist.
You have talked with me, you have studied with me,
and you have examined me in so many ways.
And I have also spoken whatever I had knowledge.
Unless you are convinced, how you can say that
“You are my spiritual master?”

— Lecture, Srimad-Bhagavatam 1974

“Svarupa Damodara must be the best
candidate. Others, what they’ll know about it? All other
Ph.D.s, they are simply rubber stamped. Actually they
have no knowledge. Svarupa Damodara has solid
knowledge. He has learned from us. Therefore he’s writing
all these books. …Now, he’s writing books on this.”

Room Conversation, Detroit, June 15, 1976

“… out of so many scientists in
the country only you and a few others
are understanding the importance of
this subject matter – manusyanam sahasresu.

— SPL to Svarupa Damodara, 23rd June 1975

“So we have got a great mission.
You are one of the strong pillars of the mission…
Be fully strong to push on this cult amongst
the educated scientific circle…
When you present more scientifically,
they will be convinced”

SPL to Svarupa Damodara Dasa, September 8, 1974

“… so if I would not have students like you,
they would have taken me as crazy man.”

— Morning walk Bhubaneswar, February 1, 1977