Science and Spirituality Dialogue
Dr. Singh was one of the pillars of the Science-Spirituality Dialogue. He organized four major outstanding International conferences bringing together the best minds of science and spiritual traditions; organized numerous science-spirituality seminars; launched the University of Bhagavata Culture in Imphal, Manipur, for promoting education with values and spiritual culture; started several schools in India and guided thousands of students towards the nobler purpose of life; authored and edited over dozen of books on science and spirituality; was one of the founding members of the United Religions Initiative (URI), a world-wide body committed to Interreligious harmony and peace; commenced annual Science and Spiritual Quest conference series in India; and initiated discussions and dialogue sessions with the best minds of our time, including many Nobel Laureates in Science and Peace, and notable statesmen and opinion leaders of the world. His works knew no bounds.
“The Vedic literatures teach us that the living being or life is beyond molecules. Its ontological nature is non-molecular, it is spiritual. Therefore modern science needs to incorporate a spiritual dimension by adopting a new paradigm if it is to remain a true science. This required new paradigm will emerge from a systhesis of Science and religion”.
– Srila Bhaktisvarupa Damodara Maharaja
Dr. T. D. Singh presenting a copy of the book “Thoughts on Synthesis of Science and Religion” to Dr. A. P. J Abdul Kalam, Honorable President of India at Rastrapati Bhavan, New Delhi, India, 2003
Dr. T. D. Singh and Professor Werner Arber from the University of Basel, Switzerland, Nobel Laureate in Physiology and Medicine. Dr. T. D. Singh visited him a few times in his laboratory in Switzerland to discuss about “Life and its Origin”
Dr. T. D. Singh with Cardinal Arinze, Chairman of Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, Vatican, Rome, 1999
Dr. T. D. Singh with Mr. Goh Chok Tong, the Prime Minister of Singapore highly appreciated Manipur Cultural Arts in Singapore National Festival, Singapore, 1994
Dr. T. D. Singh inviting Mother Teresa to deliver one of the Key-note addresses in the “Second World Congress for the Synthesis of Science and Religion” organized as a Tribute to Srila Prabhupada’s Birth Centenary Celebrations
Dr. T. D. Singh with Father Maximilian Mizzi OFM Conv., Delegate General for Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue, Assisi, Italy. They are together to discuss about how to bring interreligious understanding and peace.